Ombudsman publishes 2022-23 Annual Report
17 November 2023 The Energy and Water Ombudsman has published its Annual Report for 2022-23.
The Energy and Water Ombudsman has published its Annual Report for 2022-23. The report outlines the work of the Energy and Water Ombudsman Scheme for the year, including:
Complaint Numbers
In 2022-23, there were 1,429 complaints, a 24% decrease on the previous year.
Complaints comprised:
- 935 electricity complaints
- 191 gas complaints
- 303 water complaints
82% of electricity complaints, 88% of gas and 85% of water complaints were resolved within 10 business days of receiving the complaint.
Issues Raised
Most complaints involved concerns about billing (46%), the supply of electricity, gas and water services (15%), customer service (12%) and credit (9%).
Liaison and Access
Effective relationships with key stakeholders and access to our services have been maintained this year through:
- Continuous liaison and communication with Scheme Members, regulators and industry-based ombudsmen; and
- Ensuring ongoing access to our services for residential and small use customers, and community groups who may represent them including a visit to Northam, Jigalong, Tom Price and Paraburdoo in the East Pilbara Region, a visit to Karratha, Roebourne and Port Hedland in the West Pilbara Region, and an information stall at Wagin Woolorama agricultural show and at other events.
The Annual Report 2022-23 can be downloaded from the Energy and Water Ombudsman website on the Annual Reports page.