History of the Energy and Water Ombudsman
Free, independent and fair dispute resolution between service providers and customers has been available in WA since 2004.
The Gas Industry Ombudsman Scheme was established on 31 May 2004 and the Electricity Ombudsman Scheme was established on 22 September 2005. At this time, the two schemes were combined under the title Energy Ombudsman Western Australia.
When the Water Services Ombudsman Scheme commenced on 1 January 2014, the existing Energy Ombudsman expanded to become the Energy and Water Ombudsman.
On the commencement of each scheme, the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971 (external link)
was amended to enable the Western Australian Ombudsman to enter into an agreement with the governing body of the schemes to serve as the Energy and Water Ombudsman Western Australia and allow the staff of the Western Australia Ombudsman's office to assist in that role.