Annual Reports

Energy and Water Ombudsman Annual Reports

2022-23 Annual Report

Download the 2022-23 Annual Report for the Energy and Water Ombudsman below:

2022-23 Annual Report (PDF 2.3MB) PDF icon

Read the Highlights for 2022-23

Complaint Numbers

In 2022-23, there were 1,429 complaints, a 24% decrease on the previous year.

Complaints comprised:

  • 935 electricity complaints
  • 191 gas complaints
  • 303 water complaints


82% of electricity complaints, 88% of gas and 85% of water complaints were resolved within 10 business days of receiving the complaint.

Issues Raised

Most complaints involved concerns about billing (46%), the supply of electricity, gas and water services (15%), customer service (12%) and credit (9%).

Liaison and Access

Effective relationships with key stakeholders and access to our services have been maintained this year through:

  • Continuous liaison and communication with Scheme Members, regulators and industry-based ombudsmen; and
  • Ensuring ongoing access to our services for residential and small use customers, and community groups who may represent them including a visit to Northam, Jigalong, Tom Price and Paraburdoo in the East Pilbara Region, a visit to Karratha, Roebourne and Port Hedland in the West Pilbara Region, and an information stall at Wagin Woolorama agricultural show and at other events.

Gas Industry Ombudsman Annual Reports

2004-05 Annual Report (PDF 492kB) PDF icon