Make your complaint

Online complaint form

This online form provides an easy way to submit a complaint to the Energy and Water Ombudsman.

If you would like more information before you start, see the Make a complaint page. You can print a complaint form and email or post it to us, or you can give us a call on 1800 754 004. Our other contact details are on our Contact Us page and at the bottom of this page.

  • 1Provider
  • 2Your
  • 3Affected
    Property Details
  • 4Complaint
  • 5Accessibility
    and Additional
  • 6Success

Provider Details

The Energy and Water Ombudsman handles complaints about electricity, gas and water services. To find out where you can make complaints about other issues, please visit the Handy Links page.

My provider is not listed

The Energy and Water Ombudsman can only look at complaints about electricity, gas and water providers who are members of the Energy and Water Ombudsman Scheme.

Please call us on 1800 754 004 or click the link below if your provider is not listed. We may be able to tell you about other organisations that can assist you.

Other services that may assist

Please call:

We usually ask that you talk to your provider first. This is often the quickest and easiest way to resolve your complaint. If you wish to make a complaint to us before talking to your provider, please tell us about any special circumstances that make it unreasonable for you to make a complaint to your provider first.

If you have not already done so, please contact your provider now. Providers must put disconnections on hold if you have made a complaint about the disconnection.

If you are unhappy with your provider's response, please call us on 1800 754 004. Our business hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday.

You can also continue to complete this form and we will act on your complaint as soon as possible.

Your Details

Your details (the representative of the affected person/business)

Please provide your phone number, email or postal address so we can contact you about this complaint.

You need to be authorised by the affected person or business to represent them. If you have an authorisation document, please upload the document below. Alternatively, the affected person can call us on 1800 754 004 and provide their authorisation over the phone.

You can download a template authorisation form here.

(Max 4MB)

Affected person's details

Please provide your phone number, email or postal address so we can contact you about this complaint.

Business details

Please state the exact name on your electricity, gas or water account.

Affected Property Details

Complaint Details

character limit : 5000
character limit : 5000
character limit : 5000

You can attach supporting documents to your complaint with the upload button below.

(Max 4MB)
(Max 4MB)
(Max 4MB)
(Max 4MB)

Accessibility and Additional

By filling in this information, you will be helping us ensure our services are available to all of the Western Australian community. The personal information you provide is confidential to our office. Any information we release will only identify groups to analyse access by different members within the community. The analysis will not provide any information about individuals. While we would appreciate your responses, you are not required to fill in this part of the form. Further information is available in our Privacy Policy.