Bill corrected and credit listing removed

Bill corrected and credit listing removed image
Energy|Credit category

A customer complained that their credit listing was incorrect and that they had not received notification of the debt.

A customer complained that their credit listing, which had been referred by a Retailer to a credit reporting agency, was incorrect. The customer claimed not to have received notification from the Retailer about the debt and was concerned that this listing may affect their ability to obtain credit in the future. The customer had subsequently paid the debt, but the listing remained.

The investigation confirmed that the customer had been listed for failing to pay their final bill which had been based on an estimated meter read, as the meter had not been able to be read due to a locked gate at the property. The investigation also revealed that the final bill had been generated using an incorrect estimation method. When the correct estimation method was applied, the final bill was calculated to be less than the minimum threshold used by the Retailer for referral to a credit reporting agency. As a result, the listing was removed.

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